Ross Scrivener.
Documentary Photographer.

Ross Scrivener
Biketormz was founded by Mac Ferrari-Guy, who wanted to encourage young people to ride alongside each other without fear and show off their stunt riding skills. The hashtag #knivesdownbikesup is the key message. Ferrari-Guy has since handed over leadership of the movement. He achieved something remarkable, a family of riders who regularly meet up, reclaiming the streets and setting aside any differences and gang affiliations.
Bikestormz is one project looking at how spaces can be reclaimed for community benefit. Others include The Bridge, that features the event designed by Kate Scanlan and her company Scanners Inc.
I am also interested in how spaces available for dissent are shrinking when the right to protest is under threat (Demo, XR, Pride) and how a city resists cultural homogenization (Soho).