Photo books are still a viable way to share your documentary photographs.
Our documentary photo book reviews look at works from around the world. This is a new direction for us and we hope it helps you in your quest to find new photographers and increase your visual understanding.
The Other Blackpool.
Neil Goodwin.
Holiday maker in Blackpool.
All images copyright Neil Goodwin.

It might be fair to say that we all know a little about Blackpool, the Tower, the famous “lights”, Kiss me Kwik sun hats, the “amusement” establishments and pretty much any other generally gaudy beach life items. But of course, most of what we think about Blackpool and other towns or places for that matter is mostly made up of anecdote and previously created narratives.
Documentary photographer Neil Goodwin has spent many decades visiting Blackpool, either as a child or as photographer. His view is clearly marked with memory and reality, the reality of today, where this once glamorous seaside resort has succumbed to the poverty and general malaise that has blighted the rest of the UK. The images in The Other Blackpool take us on a journey around the back streets, Promenade and chip shops and it is genuinely enlightening and although the book begins with a quote from Martin Parr, the photographs included lack the theatrical melodrama that Parr often investigates, with aplomb. Sensationalism is out the window, replaced with a real dose of the here and now. Goodwin is in touch, and although many of the images of people are shot from behind, this adds to the endless sense of waiting. And this is appropriate as many British seaside holidays involve much waiting/sitting/watching. The photographer has also captured some real characters and humanistic moments, he has increased the depth of the known narrative and presents a side to Blackpool that yes, is harsh and run down, slow and maybe in demise, but he also brings us wonder, surprise and a sense of caring about this town and its people. This is concerned photography and you should take a look.
The Other Blackpool is highly recommended and you can purchase your copy from Neil Goodwin directly; the cost is £10 including UK post and packaging.
David Cross.
CBDP Media.
Andree Anne Thorpe.

Photo of "Jesse" by documentary photographer Andree Thorpe.
See the slide show below.
All images copyright Andree Thorpe.
Substance abuse and the horrors that come with it are now a regular part of modern life. Many of us know someone or know of someone, who is struggling with addiction or going through recovery. The reasons that drive people into addiction are myriad, the search for artificial paradise has been with us for 100’s if not 1000’s of years and it has been suggested that this is our fifth drive.
Documentary photographer Andree Thorpe has used her obvious talents to record the life of Canadian “Jesse” who has committed himself to recovery from heroin addiction. Like many he has sampled almost every drug available in his search for escape but now, through sheer will power has directed his life towards a healthier and more meaningful existence. Located at Lemoine’s Point Farm, Jesse has found solace and friendship, a place to reset his life. This is a stark difference to his previous ten years on a methadone project, although his project continues, he has halved his dosage. Sadly, the effects of misuse are still present, the anxiety, headaches and aching joints are but a few of his maladies, and the photographer was very aware of this, the pair made a connection and a friendship, this closeness is evident in many of the powerful images.
The photographs in Thorpe's book are exemplary. She fuses a modern approach to show the narrative of Jesse’s daily life. We are immersed in a tangle of chaos and nature, and it is fascinating to look at. Every image causes you to dwell on what you are seeing and experiencing. Little details here and there add up and collectively open new doors of perception.
Andree Thorpe has created a masterpiece and her use of colour is sublime, it is very easy to be swept along by the artistic value, but the pace of the images and the balance constantly reminds you that you are witnessing a perfect relationship between the subject, artist, compelling documentary narrative and art.
This work is highly recommended and is available now from the link below….
David Cross.
CBDP Media.