Documentary photographers at the CBDP. The perspective of photojournalists & writers.

We are proud to be supporting & also supported by these socially concerned documentary & editorial photographers.

Working around the globe and here in the UK, we fuse pictures and journalistic text, to create compelling, original narratives. 

Photo from a documentary project by David Cross.

We individually seek out informative stories from the world around us.
Using the power of photography & the written word we share these stories with the public. We believe in open & honest journalism, with a good dose of Mefiance!

As concerned & engaged citizens, we share our observations through the printed magazine Humanity & here online through our free to read articles.
You can support our work here: Shop.

Documentary photo by Neil Goodwin.

How do documentary photographers express their views?

The photographers work on their own projects documenting in words, photographs and sometimes video the lives and events around them, and in doing so they create compelling bodies of work which are important not just for the viewer/photographer experience but also for the subject. Good documentary photography is a vehicle to express the emotions and reactions to the people that are discovered and so the photographs leave us elevated as well as informed. Our Homepage is dedicated to sharing the important humanistic stories, giving our image makers the chance to share their stories so that you too, can bear witness to our fast changing world. Though sometimes a little sadness is clearly evident, these documentary photographers work to a better good, aiming for a positive outcome and wider understanding. Our members are listed below, please take a look.

What do documentary photographers look at?

The work looks at society and change not just in Britain but in Finland and India, America, etc. The photographers are very much a concerned group, the photography is free of sensationalism and gimmick, the work considers the effect on the individual and the surroundings. Having a rich and divergent talent pool allows the CBDP to mount British photography exhibitions as well as publish a leading magazine on documentary photography, plus, all of the projects are rooted in social documentary.
Other themes are of course explored and the photographers are free to work on and display whatever documentary stories that they are drawn too. There isn't a particular style that is required, more of a feeling of what to photograph and how to get your response across to the viewer, in a way, much like Magnum but without the difficulty associated with joining. Below you can view examples of the work produced by photo-journalists with the Centre for British Documentary Photography, the buttons above will send you to their respective CBDP galleries and from there you can find their own dedicated websites or other social media sites, with more examples of modern documentary photography, and modes of practice.

Documentary & the art of seeing & feeling.

If the event has a time and place, the photographer has to be there to make the picture. Essentially that's what it's all about, the art of seeing and the aptitude and total commitment to see more and expand ones artistic vision.
The ability to sense stories and the skill to relate the information is obviously a key element in the work. Very few have the skills for this, it isn't easy and there are no reshoots! Documentary photography requires practice and an honest approach.
Collected here in the slide shows are documentary photographs from our current group of supporters, whose work have resonance and syntax, images that have at their centre the humanistic touch, the quality story telling and of course, maximum visual interest. We hope to bring more images and photographers in the near future.
We thank the Supporting Photographers for their commitment to our project and continued efforts in the space of documentary and photojournalism. We welcome and thank all of our photographers for their Submissions and hope that you enjoy this selection of documentary images from all of our participating photographers.

Examples of Documentary Photography                      Concerned Photographers